Kategorie: Duracell®

Duracell is the world’s number one consumer battery company by market share and the leading manufacturer of high-performance alkaline batteries, specialty cells and rechargeable batteries. Since the launch of the brand in 1965, it has grown to become a global consumer icon, known for its commitment to quality, reliability and innovation. Alongside batteries, Duracell also manufactures hard-wearing LED torches and headlights. These products are a fantastic impulse buy and are completely recession proof products.

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  • Duracell AAA Simply, 6er-Pack

    Duracell Simply AAA bedeutet hochwertige Duracell-Batterien zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und bietet im Vergleich zu anderen Duracell-Alkalibatterien* ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Vereinfachen Sie Ihr Leben mit garantierter...

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  • Duracell AA Simply, 6er-Pack

    Duracell Simply AA bedeutet hochwertige Duracell-Batterien zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und bietet im Vergleich zu anderen Duracell-Alkalibatterien* ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Vereinfachen Sie Ihr Leben mit garantierter...

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Provider Europe

Here at Provider Europe we provide you quality blue chip brands at remarkable prices. Our goal is to supply you and your customers with premium quality products at the best available trade prices. If you require batteries, lighting, torches or health and wellness Provider Europe can supply you all of these and we make it simple, fast and efficient with no customs paperwork or duty payable.